The city sings - sings me out of sleep. Sleeping on Cam's couch. Oh shit, forgot that, I did. Fact, I woke and asked the old question: where tf am I? But then I recalled and it was all good. Guten. Guten tag. Yes, today is good. Gorgeous + good. A new respiration, a new vitamin D injection, a new rendition. But it's a bit sad. Not substantially, but a bit. For la gente in the street haven't any idea. I can see in their faces as they pass the Italian café window. They don't know what they have, what lies prostrate in front of them. This - this GLORY. It's the newness. The newness in the mould of the normal. But ho + hark, children: it's Saturday, mid-April (Shit, already???) and we are alive and open gulleted to take take take it all down, in, swill, swig, swirl, twirl, loop de loop, DANCE!
....By the way, today's a day calls for a woman!